February 4, 2004
Alright, so about this comic, watch Chris's eyes! And if you don't figure it out, he's watching a girl walk behind Ryan. Gah, I suck. >.<

January 23, 2004
I'm thinking about changing my update times to M/W. That really does seem more reasonable because I do end up updating about twice a week. But can I keep M/W going? Or maybe M/F..... I just don't know. So if I'm on a two comic a week schedule, I'll only be 2 comics behind. That'd be nice.... oh how will I ever catch up. Oh yeah - if you like my comic, do me a favor and put a link in your AIM profile (or whatever else you use) See, the more people I know who read my comic, the more inclined I'd be to update. ;-) Keep reading!

January 13, 2004
Look! An update in the news - amazing. Hope everyone likes the new comics. And remember, there is a guestbook below, please sign it. Make me feel special. :-)

December 9, 2002
Just kidding (about the Nov. 29th comic).

November 20, 2002
Okay, I was so going to be able to finish and upload today's comic. But you know why I couldn't? Blame the Physics Goddess! It's all her fault.... she had to go and call me and the phone requires so much more concentration than AIM. 90 minutes gone from being able to finish comic #46. But also 90 minutes of happiness...

November 19, 2002
There's no way for me to catch up. I'm trying to convince a friend to make 5 days worth of filler comics for the days I'm missing. But for now, I'm going back to the regular storyline. I'm uploading a comic in Monday's spot. There won't be much humor, it's just a flashback on the relationship of Ryan and Robynne... it'll go on for the rest of the week. I'll do my best to have Wednesday's comic up by Wednesday night (though I'm sure no one believes me anymore when I make promises about getting the comic up on time...)

November 7, 2002
Okay, it's filler comic time again. I'm so sorry. I'm a bad man. You'll probably want to go back to October 25th to see the beginning of the Sims Comic stuff. Umm, can't remember what else I was going to say but I have to go now.

October 28, 2002
I am so behind. Stupid Sims game. It's evil. But I can't stop playing! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (I'll catch up somehow) hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (I got to see a good friend this weekend - I'm happy) hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (I have some stupid papers to write) hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (Sims is evil)hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

October 21, 2002
Yep, the whole no preuploaded comics thing is not cool. No comic today. But I'll do my best to have 2 comics on Wednesday. Really. I meant to make some comics this weekend but a good friend was in town so I spent time with him. Much fun. Another friend is going to be in town next weekend too. I'm pleased. Anyways - two comics this coming Wednesday.

October 18, 2002
Oh dear, I don't have anymore comics preuploaded. This could cause stress. Or I could just ignore it and do stuff that is more important. Anyways, today's comic was a bit hurried. Oh well. I apologize.

October 13, 2002
Just random updating. Apparently my about page got pushed back somehow. Not sure why that happened. It's back to normal now. I also added a new link. Ninjai is cool.

September 28, 2002
Dang - it's 10:18 and I don't have the Sunday surprise thingy complete yet. It's not turning out as well as I hoped and I don't have the time to refine it. So.... I'm gonna have to skip it. Sorry. But we all know the ending anyways. Robynne turns into the great Physics Goddess and defeats Evil Newton. Woo! She's so cool. Um anyways - the continuation of the past story is going to start on Monday so go and refresh your memory. :-P

September 24, 2002
Well look at that - it's Tuesday and we have a new comic. Expect another one tomorrow as well as Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday. Woo! It was the only way I could cram all the old comics to finish in the month of September. Sunday's is supposed to be the very last comic where Robynne turns into the Physics Goddess and Newton is defeated, but I forgot to scan it in so Sunday is going to be a surprise thingy. The ending of the previous storyline is coming up and a new, decent story will come out following that. Anyone who reads this must bear in mind that this is my real first comic (with dialogue) and narration by comic is new to me. I hope to become better at it. But anyways, I ramble. I must go do something productive now like study. But gosh darnit, the season premiere of Buffy and Smallville are on tonight. I think those are going to be distracting.

September 11, 2002
I felt the need.

August 21, 2002
Well, it's been just a dandy summer. Made a whopping total of one new comic. And I'm not making many new comics either. Well I am but they won't be uploaded soon. Instead, Starting September, all of the comics I made for Mrs. Schweiger will be uploaded instead. They're filler comics, but you know what - it does show how evil Evil Newton was (since he hasn't really been too evil lately). It's nostalgic fun too! For those people who do read this comic and weren't in my physics class (which isn't many), I'll try to add an explanation page later. Sigh, so the main comic storyline will continue later on. I have it planned out and I just need to draw it. That's it for now I guess, enjoy the older comics. :-)

May 6, 2002
Woohoo, the About page and Links Page were updated!

May 5, 2002
Well, Friday's comic wasn't exactly word for word, but hey, I don't want to learn Jujitsu at the moment. And I didn't have a copy of the Matrix with me to copy the conversation. But I got the words correct in today's comic. Haha! Sigh.... studying for physics and calculus, really wish I did have that brain machine with me. Sigh... I need to finish my about page. I actually have a comic I want to add to my Links page too, but I'm too lazy to do that too. Blah. Bye bye for now everyone.

May 5, 2002
Haha, comics all this week were a day or more late but I got them all out! Weeeeee.... well, Friday's comic is ripped totally straight from the Matrix. Couldn't resist. Good luck to everyone in finals and wish me luck too!

April 13, 2002
Yay! I have a guestbook. You people better sign it or Evil Newton will get you.

April 12, 2002
Woohoo! A slightly better looking site. Still no guestbook or forums and the new pages are hardly worthwhile to look at but I'm making progress. Yay!

April 10, 2002
As you can see - there is sort of a new design going on. Still in the early stages of it. It will look kind of sloppy like this for a while until I get it all refined. Obviously the bar to right is really messed up looking. I plan to put a guestbook and hopefully have a forum later on. You people better at least sign the guestbook! Haha.

March 6, 2002
Soooo... much.... schoolwork! Shoot me! I wanted to make this site look better but I haven't even had the time to make comics. I'm soo behind. Well, I'm going to see what I can do during Spring Break. Draw like mad! Hehe. I'm planning to add a calendar to the page so that you, the visitors, can see whenever I have a new comic up. That shouldn't be too hard, actually, it can be done right now with just a little addition to this HTML file (since Keenspace is so nifty keen). But I won't do it right now, since it'll look out of place, sort of. Whatever - I'm goign to bed.

February 12, 2002
Still continuing with the site, it looks a little bit better now. Nothing else much to say really though. Umm - thanks to the people who have complimented me on this. Thanks a lot. On a side note, exams suck.

February 4, 2002
I've moved my comic to keenspace now so anyone who actually bookmarked my page (hah - who would ever do that?) will have to change that link. But according to my Geocities stats for my comic page, my cousin Cindy actually mentioned my comic on her page and that got me some traffic. Gracias Cindy. And for those who noticed and are wondering what's up with the URL of this page, I used evilnewton as a filler title before I decided to use 1223. So of course this means that Evil Newton will eventually be a main character in my comic. So what else is there to say? So far, I'm still at a loss to what kind of direction I want to take this comic but oh well - this is for fun anyways. And for those who eventually want to see some kind of story develop, the storyline is going to start soon with the 4th comic. Story does seem to go at a slow pace, I'm sorry, it's not like I've ever claimed to be a decent narrator.

February 2, 2002
Well, onto my third comic now. Yay. I will eventually get into a decent storyline soon enough, but I'm just having fun doing simple strips right now. Oh yeah, feel free to email me suggestions or story ideas at epyon1@yahoo.com

January 30, 2002
Gosh I'm bored. The first comic is finally done. I can't think of a title for my comic so for now, and possibly forever - it's called 1223. Hopefully, this comic will update every 3 days or so. That's about as fast as I can crank them out with schoolwork and everything. Sorry the page is so simple but oh well, I have enough graphical stuff to do now. Tough beans. I will attempt to organize this site and put up navagational stuff but... later. Much later.